Tuesday 29 April 2008

Week 5: Conscientious Objection Part 2

Oh well. Since the last one was such a long, rambling affair, I intend to make this one slightly more succinct.

As far as I can remember, I sort of volunteered to do the blog again (not really) but I never actually got around to writing anything down. So, this week, we had a look through all the examples of tribunal questions in the back of the book we were given copies of at an Intercity ages ago. It was at Glasgow South, can't remember when. Anyway, the book is called 'The Captive Conscience' if you want to have a read for yourself. It's very well written and extremely handy for getting your head round the topic and finding out a bit about the history of Christadelphians who conscientiously objected.

So, since I didn't write anything down, I can't remember any of our answers well enough to post them up here. If anyone can, feel free to put up a great big long comment...

Happy Tuesday. Next blog will be on the subject of False Doctrines: Heaven Going and the Immortal Soul. I think. At least, that's what it's supposed to be. Provisional date of Sunday the 11th May.

1 comment:

Rodge said...


I promised to look at a couple of q's that we got stuck at and come back with some answers. But since I never accepted your blog invitation to start with I can no longer login to contribute...

Please can you invite me again?
