Monday 7 April 2008

The History of the Christadelphians

Session 3

This week we were looking at the history of Christadelphians.

The founder of the Christadelphians, John Thomas, had to come up with a name when the American Civil War broke out in 1861. They had to make a stand to what they believed in as conscientious objectors. So to avoid military service, it was required that believers had to belong to a recognised religious group that didn't agree with participation in war. So Thomas came up with 'Christadelphian' which means bretheren in Christ.
So it came from making a stand for our beliefs, to obey God rather than man.

We came up with a few passages that were relevent to this
Hebrews 11v13-16
Hebrews 13v14
1 Peter 2v11

Another influential figure we discussed for a short while was Robert Roberts. He was the man
generally considered to have continued the work of organising and establishing the Christadelphian movement. Mainly Britain, especially Aberdeen!
So that was the first thing we discussed in the evening.

We then went onto talking about Unamended Christadelphians. They believe the same things as Amended Christadelphians but the Unamended group believe that only the deceased who are "in Christ" will be raised from the dead and have eternal life; the rest will simply remain dead, without conscious existence. The Amended group believe that all who are responsible will be raised from the dead at the time of the Final Judgment. The "responsible" are those that have heard of the Gospel. The righteous among the responsible ones will be judged according to their works and given everlasting life. The wicked will be destroyed and cease to exist. Those who are not responsible, since they had never heard the Gospel, will not be raised.

We ended the evening drawing up a list of passages where it talks about brothers and sisters being "in Christ." We did this to show exactly what "in Christ" means.
Acts 24v24 - involves having faith in him
Rom 8v38 -39 - we have the love of God
Rom 12v4-5 - being in Christ is being in one
1 Cor 1v2 - sanctification, being made seperate
1 Cor 15v22 - made alive in Christ
2 Cor 5v17 - born again
Gal 2v4 - freedom from the law, set free from sin
Gal 3v26-28 - all one in Christ
Eph 2v12-16 - brings us near to God
Eph 3v6 - in Christ, the promise
Phi 3v3 - rejoice in Christ Jesus
Phi 3v14 - the reward in heaven
1 Thes 4 v16 - those dead in Christ shall rise
2 Tim 2v1 - grace in Christ Jesus
2 Tim 2v10 - salvation and glory
1 Pet 3v16 - in Christ has a direct effect on the way we live

So that was this weeks one, next post will be done by Big Hairy Daniel!


Roy said...

Nice to see Daniel volunteering so readily...

Anonymous said...

V good post, James! =)

i just remembered the part where we were discussing that we need to go to God, not God to us - its us that need to make the effort, and how we kept finding elements of that in the 'in Christ' passages.

and also the story of John Thomas and the ship:
he was on a ship and there was a massive storm meaning he thought he was gonna die, when he realised that he didn't actually know that much about the after-life and what happens when you die, so he promised God that if he ever got out the ship alive he would dedicate his life to finding out the bible truth and sharing it with others. and he did. =) i think its a fab story, to be honest with you!!

and also that he found groups of people with similar beliefs already, he didnt brainwash them into thinking what he thought - they'd already discovered a lot of the truth already themselves. apparently there's a lot of groups like that today who don't know about the christadelphians but believe the same as us because they have done such a good, thorough search of their bibles!

sorry bout that - the comment's massive!

Anonymous said...

the past 3 blogs have been great. V useful for those unable to make it :(

thnkyou xx